Roles and responsibilities

Little Acorns Pre-School is run by a Management Committee, mostly made up of parents of the children currently attending our pre-school. Being involved in the committee is a great way of meeting new people and getting to know the staff who are looking after your children. It gives you the chance to learn new skills and to use existing ones whilst fitting into a team.

At each AGM, some of our members resign as their children have started primary school or no longer attend the pre-school. The pre-school cannot operate without a management committee and would be forced to close.

We therefore welcome new parents to join the committee. How much time you can give is entirely up to you – committee meetings are held one evening every six weeks. As a committee member we ask that you attend as many meetings as you can, but we don’t expect that you can attend them all.

If you feel that you would like to join us, please tell a member of staff or a committee member.

Below is a brief outline of the committee roles:

CHAIRPERSON – Responsible for chairing meetings, liaising with Louise, staff appraisals and being the OfSTED named contact.

TREASURER – Responsible for paying in monies, raising cheques and organising the auditing of the accounts once a year.

MINUTES SECRETARY – Responsible for taking accurate notes during the committee meeting and typing up these minutes promptly after the meeting.

VICE CHAIR – Liaises with the Chairperson and would take over meetings if required.

FUNDRAISING TEAM MEMBERS – Organise fundraising events, e.g. the Christmas Raffle and the Smarties Challenge.

NEWSLETTER EDITOR – Responsible for compiling the termly newsletter.

PHOTOGRAPH ORGANISER – Books and organises the photographic sessions 1-2 times per year.

HOUSEKEEPER – Responsible for washing the pre-school tea-towels once a week and washing the dressing-up clothes once/twice during the school year.

All committee roles are supported with help from Nicola and of course the rest of the committee.